Wednesday, July 21, 2010

just a view of mind

Life is not that simple and easy these days. Yeaa..u might heard some people say,
'life is so simple dont make it hard'
but yet the true is ..literally true i means life is so complicated and yet confusing at time..
I might not qualified nor not proper to judge people..but this is justa thought that i have now and that i seen in people.

well i might say one of them is:

1. the FACE:
-well every minutes and yet hour..literally "everyday" we have to face the unseenable faces of people..

-well, it is not the cute admirable face, macho and beautiful faces or weirds hair style or should i mention ah beng style..please take note that being ah beng is not a crime but it just that i tender to dislike their style of offences...=)

-but it is the face the lead to changes in people character...well literally i mean is their attitude...

- i seen so many faces that some are very nice, warm, happy go lucky, annoying, innocent, friendly, sinis, pretender etc etc etc...

-it just that i just cant stand a pretender people that actually acting good only with a certain time...
for instance when there is a ''barter system'' well what mean here is that when there a needs between one of these people they will try be good with you, close to you and when there is nothing u have to entertain or fulfill their needs they will dumb your ass....and that the sucker thing i dislike about pretender people...they are good for nothing in terms of friends
they are so annoying sometimes...

-but the good things is that i happy to meet such a beautiful faces of people...
i dont really hate people faces such as ''pretender'' as i mention just a one of examples that i took from the faces i no offences
so to end this faces topic is that these faces that make the world so colorful just like the the seasoning that make the curry nice...pepatah melayu, banyak orang banyak lah ragam.

1 comment:

  1. Curry?? nice.
    The ingredient in curry?
    Lets make it nice man!!
    Lets change curry to masak lemak.Jom Jom
